Happy New Year!

February 1, 2024

The Executive has been working hard on Section priorities for the year! Catch up on our initiatives below and let us know if you would like to get involved!

Collaboration with the ADR Institute of Canada (ADRIC)

Our Section values connections with aligned organizations, including ADRIC. Many lawyers and CBA members interested in dispute resolution practices hold designations granted by ADRIC and participate in Continuing Professional Development content provided by the CBA and ADRIC.

There was a need to rekindle this connection, as transitions of executive members reduced interactions. This rekindling is happening through meetings and a representative from our Section attending the ADRIC national conference last November.

On behalf of the Section, Shannon Belvedere, Secretary, attended ADRIC’s national conference in Halifax in November 2023. The conference was titled: Navigating Rough Waters Through Dispute Resolution. The keynote speech was given by Jennifer Llewellyn about “Taking a Restorative Approach”. Participating in the conference in person was well worth the effort, as online platforms have not yet managed to duplicate the conversation occurring during and in between conference sessions.

In addition to our participation at the ADRIC conference, our Section Officers met with ADRIC’s Executive Director, Gary Lacasse, to discuss points of alignment and upcoming initiatives. We plan to meet more regularly and will update you in future newsletters.

Save-the-date for our Online Symposium – May 17, 2024

We are happy to announce we will be holding another Online Symposium on May 17, 2024, titled “Mediation as a Critical Tool in Legal Practice”. Be sure to keep an eye out for registration details and information regarding topics and speakers.

In case you missed it, the recording from last year’s online symposium, “Mediation, Resolution, and Innovation“ is available.

James L. Thistle, K.C. 2024 Law Student Essay Contest

We are once again holding our Law Student Essay Contest! The contest is now open for submissions, with the deadline being May 2, 2024. Check out the essay contest rules and past winning submissions. Please share with your network!


Our PD Committee has been working hard preparing for our podcast episode and we hope to make it available to you in the late spring/early summer. Watch this space for further updates on the topics that will be discussed and the speakers that will be featured.

Call for member articles

Our Section is looking to feature member articles in Possibilities. If you are interested in having an article published, please let us know! Our Secretary, Shannon Belvedere, would be happy to connect with you.

Provincial Updates


This year, Bernard Morrow was recognized by the Ontario Bar Association with the Award of Excellence in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), one of the most prestigious regional accolades honouring significant contributions in the field of Dispute Resolution.

Renowned for his adept mediation skills, Bernard also serves as an influential mentor for newcomers to the profession. During the 2022-23 academic year at Osgoode Hall Law School, he held the positions of Co-Director and Adjunct Professor at the Osgoode Mediation Clinic (OMC).

Reflecting on the honour, Bernard offered the following thoughts:

“I received the Ontario Bar Association’s Award of Excellence in ADR in recognition of my contributions to the ADR field as a practitioner, mentor, and teacher over the past quarter century. I am humbled by this honour – so many others are equally worthy – and grateful for having had the opportunity to share it with family, friends, and colleagues at a dinner on November 9th.”

Congratulations Bernard!

Award presentation  

Afsana Gibson-Chowdhury (L) presents award to Bernard Morrow (R)


In Alberta, Judicial Dispute Resolution (JDR) bookings are highly sought after. This is a King’s Bench system where a judge is assigned a half or full day with the parties that choose JDR and if the matter does not settle, that judge does not hear the trial.

Justice William Tilleman (retired), presented to the CBA Alberta South Alternative Dispute Resolution Section on JDR processes. He also discussed his new book, “Judicial Dispute Resolution: New Roles for Judges in Ensuring Justice” by Lawrence Susskind, Justice William Tilleman and Nicolás Parra Herrera.

Thank you,
CBA Dispute Resolution Section Executive