

The CBA warns of possible constitutional shortcomings in Bill C-36

  • October 29, 2014

The Canadian Bar Association (CBA) cautions that Bill C-36, Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act, introduced by the federal government in response to the Supreme Court of Canada decision in Canada (Attorney General) v. Bedford, may fall short on constitutional grounds.

June Brown bag program: Insights on Public-Sector leadership

  • August 16, 2014

Enhancing leadership in the public sector – not just at the top but throughout the system – is key to continuing to meet the ideals of public service excellence, Manitoba Deputy Minister of Justice, Donna Miller, Q.C., told a brown-bag lunch session…

Branch update: New Brunswick

  • August 16, 2014

Debbie Hackett reports that the Government Lawyers Section in New Brunswick is looking at ways to ensure CLE sessions aimed at public-sector lawyers qualify for mandatory CLE credits.