

Essay contest winners

  • July 10, 2019

A number of CBA Sections have announced winners for their annual essay contests. The winning essays are posted on the Section websites, so if they’re not there yet, they will be soon.

CBA Leadership Conference for Professional Women

  • July 10, 2019

It takes a community to raise a child, the saying goes. And when that child is a full-grown woman looking to make her way in the world, she’ll find it also helps to have a community to network with, help her find her way, and cheer her on.

Unequal access to justice is no laughing matter

  • June 13, 2019

OTTAWA – No one ever thinks it will happen to them. But in any given three-year period nearly half the population will experience a legal issue requiring legal advice. And when they do, quite a few will discover that Canada’s vaunted social safety net has unravelled in the places where legal aid should be.

First-ever leadership bootcamp for racialized lawyers a success

  • June 11, 2019

You could see it in the packed rooms, with people spilling over into the overflow seating at the back. You could hear it in the noisy conversation at break times, strangers becoming comrades. And you could feel it in the air, the energy crackling in the room as the CBA’s first-ever Leadership Bootcamp for Racialized Lawyers kicked off in Toronto.