


  • November 16, 2015

Letters to the new prime minister and his cabinet; plus news about what’s happening with interventions. As well, the CBA’s response to requests to appear before expert panels on physician-assisted suicide, as the government prepares to comply with the Supreme Court’s demand that it amend the Criminal Code to align with its decision in Carter.

Spotlight on: Anatomy of a deal

  • November 16, 2015

One mid-size Canadian company wants to buy out another. What happens next? That’s the question asked – and answered – by the sixth year of the CBA’s Skilled Lawyer Series, which studies the anatomy of a deal from offer to close.

Pardon the intervention

  • November 10, 2015

The Intervention Policy Review Committee tabled its report in June and the CBA Board has approved an interim policy based on its recommendations which will serve until Council gets a chance to officially adopt it in February. Read on for details of what’s changed.

The CBA Young Lawyers Forum

  • November 10, 2015

The Young Lawyers Forum has been busy. Have a look to see what we’ve been up to, and find out how you can get involved.

Promoting Preventive Legal Health: A toolkit for lawyers

  • October 20, 2015

The CBA has launched a new toolkit on preventive legal health to help lawyers develop the skills of preventive lawyering. A little preventive legal health can keep small legal issues from growing into huge legal problems.

CBA Publications

  • October 20, 2015

The fall editions of the Canadian Competition Law Review and the Canadian International Lawyer Journal are now available, and both publications are seeking submissions for their next issues.