The OBA's Criminal Justice Section is pleased to announce Faisal Mirza as the recipient of its 2022 OBA Award of Excellence in Criminal Justice.
In addition, we will celebrate in-person with the recipients of the 2020 and 2021 OBA Award of Excellence in Criminal Justice, The Honourable Justice Brock Jones (2020) and Jody Berkes (2021).
CBA Member: $31* | Non-Member: $36* *plus applicable taxes
Please note the following pandemic-related protocols: The Government of Ontario no longer requires proof of vaccination for participation in this event. Accordingly, we will not be requiring proof of vaccination but we do ask you to consider enjoying this program online if you are not fully vaccinated. Attendees are asked to self-screen before entering the OBA premises. While the Government of Ontario no longer requires the wearing of masks for this event, out of consideration for other participants, we ask that you wear a mask while onsite when you are not actively eating or drinking. As circumstances evolve, these protocols may be changed.
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Click here for more information.
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